2024 6 on 6 Teams
2024 6 on 6 Schedule
2024 6-on-6 Rules
General Rules
- DBAD Rule: Excessive arguing or verbal abuse will result in a 5-point deduction, except for basketball (as provided below), at the discretion of the official(s) overseeing the respective sport. The basketball technicals provided below apply in basketball only, in lieu of this DBAD Rule. Any individual(s) involved in any physical altercation is subject to immediate ejection from the remaining 6-on-6 events, at the discretion of the Executive Board present. Any violator of this DBAD Rule may be subject to further discipline, including any additional suspensions, at the discretion of the Board.
- Only the team’s captain may comment or talk to the official/referee. Otherwise, a player risks ejection or being carded. The presiding official/referee has final discretion on any rule interpretation. The presiding official/referee may consult with any Board Member present as part of that interpretation.
- Timeouts: 1 per game (for all games); 30 seconds max; clock continues to run; no timeouts allowed in the final
- No overtime (in any sport).
- 7 players per roster; each player MUST PLAY in at least 6 of the 8
- Each game, 1 of the 7 players MUST SIT OUT that game. That person CANNOT sub in that game (except for a tournament-ending injury to another player).
- If a player gets injured in a game and is done for the 6-on-6 tournament, the person sitting out can be subbed in for the remainder of that game. The injured player is no longer allowed to play the rest of 6-on-6.
Specific Rules
- Basketball
- 2 halves; 10 minutes per half; running clock; 30-second halftime; 3-pointers
- Clock may stop in the second half only in the last 30 seconds (timeouts, fouls & dead balls)
- Standard substitution rule applies (only during dead balls)
- Play will be 4 on 4 due to limited court Teams may have (2) subs and (1) person designated OUT for each game.
- If a player receives his 4th personal foul, he is disqualified from the game. The remaining substitute(s) can enter the game. Should multiple players be disqualified, the team will have to play with less than 4
- Shooting fouls:
- If after missed shot: 1 free throw for 2 points/3 points on 3pt attempt
- If after made shot: 1 free throw for 1 point (plus made basket)
- After 5th team foul: 1 free throw for two points; offense selectsshooter o Technicals:
- 1st: 3 points & ball
- 2nd: 5 points & ball; player ejection
● Volleyball
- Indoor rules apply
- 20 minutes; running time
- One game; highest score wins
- Rally scoring
- Net serves count
● Softball
- 25 minutes total; each team gets 12 minutes (running clock) or 9 outs, whichever occurs first; 1 minute for teams to switch field/batting after the first 12 minutes
- When switching from the field/batting, after 1 minute passes, the official/umpire shall announce “Play Ball,” thereby permitting the pitcher to deliver the pitch. The official/umpire shall give a 10- second countdown as the final 1 minute expires.
- Teams get the full allotment of their runs, regardless if both teams don’t complete the same number of
- If a batter is at bat when time runs out for his team, he may complete the at The result of that at bat counts towards the final result.
- Note: The batter must be completely in the batter’s box when time runs out for this rule to
- The defense has 10 seconds to switch sides of the field when an opposite-handed batter goes to the plate. The official/umpire shall verbally notify the opposing After the ten seconds have run, the official shall announce “Play Ball,” thereby permitting the pitcher to deliver the pitch.
- Example: If a team has 5 right-handed batters but the sixth batter is left-handed, the official/umpire shall announce the left-handed batter and allow 10 seconds for the defense to adjust.
- Note: The opposing captain and the official/umpire shall be notified of any left-handed batters before the start of the game.
- No opposite field hitting
- Example: A right-handed batter may only pull the This applies irrespective if that hitter
declares he is “hitting opposite field” prior to his at bat.
- No bunts, including any intentional swinging
- Hitting team provides the pitcher; pitcher may stand outside field of play (offcenter)
- 2 pitches per at bat TOTAL, irrespective of foul balls, bad pitches,
- No intentional walks
- 6 players bat/play the field (including catcher)
● Football
- 20 minutes; running time OR 3 possessions, whichever occurs first; once the time limit is reached, if both teams have not FINISHED 3 possessions, the score reverts back to the score of the game after 2 possessions; only an equal number of possessions will be scored
- 6 points for TD
- Extra points: 1 point from 3-yard-line; 2 points from 10-yard-line; 3 points from 20-yard-line
- 1 point for interception (INT does not count as a possession) for defense; INTs on extra points do not count as a point for the defense
- Defense: 5 players; Offense: 6 players (including QB)
- Start at 40 yard line; 1 first down max
- QB can’t cross the line of scrimmage; no handoffs or runs
- QB has 4 seconds to get rid of the ball or play is dead
- No laterals
- Win: 30 points; Lose: 0 points; Tie: 15 points
- Plus:
Basketball: .8 X points scored
Volleyball: 1 X points scored
Football: 2 X points scored
Softball: 3 X runs scored
- If you win your volleyball game (30 points) and score 15 points in that win, your final total is 45
- If you lose your volleyball game (0 points) but score 40 points, your final total is