
Current Overall Standings

BRAAS Golf Tournament Recap – GREYSTONE

By timgeorge | June 29, 2023 |


BRAAS Golf Tournament #6 – Farm D’ Allie – RECAP

By timgeorge | May 25, 2023 |


BRAAS Golf Tournament #6 – Farm D’ Allie

By timgeorge | May 19, 2023 |


BRAAS Golf Tournament #4 – Beaver Creek

By timgeorge | March 24, 2023 |

BRAAS Golf Tournament #4 – Beaver Creek    

BRAAS Golf 22-23 – Tournament #3 Recap

By timgeorge | February 7, 2023 |


22-23 BRAAS Golf – Tournament #3

By timgeorge | February 3, 2023 |


Upcoming Golf Tournaments

By timgeorge | January 18, 2023 |

BRAAS Golf 22-23 – Tournament #2 Recap

By timgeorge | January 9, 2023 |

                                                OVERALL TEAM STANDINGS:  

Golf Tournament #2 – Copper Mill – Pairings

By timgeorge | January 6, 2023 |

BRAAS Golf – Tournament #1 Results

By timgeorge | December 9, 2022 |

2022 - 2023 Fees and Payouts: $190

Tournament Fee and Payouts:

o   $20.00 to be paid by each player upfront at sign up online ($140)

o   $11.00 split by winning team

o   $ 7.00 goes toward individual stableford

  • 1st place           60%
  • 2nd place          30%
  • 3rd place          10%

o   $ 2.00 goes into Hole in one fund.  This fund will be capped when it hits $1,000.00 and a new fund will start

o   If a player misses a tournament they will forfeit the $20 for that tournament.

o   Money for all Tournaments will be paid at the Season Finale Party.

Participation in the $25 winners take all fund is required if you participate in this league.  It must be at sign up.

o   $25 Paid online at sign up.

o   Winning Team Players must make 4 out of the 7 tournaments to get a portion of the Winner Take All Fund.

o   Year’s overall winning team splits this money and is distributed at the Season Finale Party.


BRAAS golfer of the year:

o   Total of best 4 Stableford scores with participation in at least 4 Stroke Play Tournaments with payout 1st through 5th place.

2022-2023 BRAAS Golf League


League Setup


The BRAAS Golf league is both a team and individual competition.  Scoring is created via 18-hole stroke play tournaments throughout the season.  Individual rankings are developed by the accumulation of points during each tournament throughout the season.  Team rankings are developed by utilizing a set number of individual scores from each team for each tournament throughout the season.


Golf Board


The golf board is tasked with the operations of the golf league each year.  The board consists of the following:


  • Commissioner – schedules tournaments, sets pairings, manages communication to league players
  • Commissioner – maintains scoring/tournament records
  • At-large member(s) – assist in handicap decisions other additional tasks as defined by Commissioner




BRAAS Golf utilizes a stableford scoring system.  Handicaps are subtracted from thirty-six (36) to determine even par for that member for that tournament.  Stroke play is then used to determine amount of points each member accumulates throughout the round.


  • Triple Bogey -1
  • Double Bogey 0
  • Bogey +1
  • Par +2
  • Birdie +4
  • Eagle +8
  • Double Eagle +16




Teams will consist of 10 to 15 members chosen by captains at a draft.


Team score per tournament will consist of the 4 best scores from their players.  The worst individual score is capped at -9.  If a team does not have 4 scores, the team will utilize the worst score used by all other teams in place of any missing scores.  This total is used to determine the Tournament winning team.


For each team participant that attends a tournament, 0.5 point is given to that team for the season overall team score (not the tournament team score). Example 4 participants equal 2 points added for that team in season overall scoring.


Individual BRAAS golfer of the year


Total of best 4 Stableford scores with payout 1st through 5th place.  Minimum 4 of 7 tournament participation is required to qualify.  If more than 4 tournaments are played in, the lowest score(s) will be dropped from the players cumulative total.


Rules of Play


It is understood that many players learned the game of golf using differing degrees of “rules”.  In this league we all follow the same rules regardless of what you may do with your buddies back home.


Remember that for the league to truly be fair each group must hold to the same rules.  If you’re group allows rules to be bent, then you are making the game unfair for every other golfer in the tournament.




  • The BRAAS golf league follows the rules of golf as defined by the USGA.
  • The ball will always be played down unless otherwise stated for that particular tournament. In enacted, Lift Clean and Place rules only apply to closely mown areas – fairway, fringe and greens.
  • Each player is to play ONE ball off of the first tee. No mulligans.
  • If there is a rules question; play 2 balls out, and make note of both scores. Once the round is over, you can get a ruling from the Commissioner or course Pro.
  • Pick up after double bogey.  Max score on any hole is a triple bogey.
  • Pace of play is important - keep up with the group in front of you and play ready golf.  Go to your ball, be aware of the distance, know your club selection, be ready to hit.
  • A ‘gimme’ putt is defined as the ball being inside of the taped line on your putter. If the ball touches the tape then you must put it out. If your putter has not been taped, please see the league commissioner.



If it is determined that a player has broken a USGA rule whether intentional or not, the appropriate USGA punishment will be handed out.  Final decision lies with the golf board.


Tournament Protocol


  • Report and check in 45 minutes prior to tee time
  • Call, text or email your Captain (or Commissioner) if you cannot make a tournament you signed up for
  • Sign up for tournaments in a timely fashion via Team Snap app
  • No special tee times
  • Individuals are responsible for Green Fees and Cart Fees and any food or drink at the tournament


Yearly Fees and Payouts

  • Tournament Fee and Payouts:
    • $20.00 to be paid by each player upfront at sign up online ($140)
    • $11.00 split by winning team
    • $ 7.00 goes toward individual stableford
      • 1st place 60%
      • 2nd place 30%
      • 3rd place 10%
    • $ 2.00 goes into Hole in one fund. This fund will be capped when it hits $1,000.00 and a new fund will start.
    • If a player misses a tournament they will forfeit the $20 for that tournament.
    • Money for all Tournaments will be paid at the Season Finale Party.


  • Participation in the $25 winners take all fund is required if you participate in this league. It must be at sign up.
  • $25 Paid online at sign up.
  • Winning Team Players must make 4 out of the 7 tournaments to get a portion of the Winner Take All Fund.
  • Year’s overall winning team splits this money and is distributed at the Season Finale Party.



Scoring the Round


It is the intent of this league to score each tournament accurately, efficiently, and quickly.




  • Cards, when available, will have player names pre-printed with designation for scorekeepers.
  • Each group will maintain 2 scorecards.
    • Both must have both the stableford and gross score for each hole. Those scores should be separated by a forward slash.
    • Both scorecards from each group must have totals for stableford and gross score for each player in the group.
    • Circle birdies and eagles for easier scoring in Scat game.
    • Both scorecards’ totals for each player must match.
    • Every player in the group must sign at least one scorecard.
    • Who ever collects cards for the golf committee, should not accept the groups cards unless they have asked person handing in cards, that they match, they are signed, and they are attested to.




  • If a player leaves the tournament without signing their card, that player can be disqualified from that tournament.
  • If a group signs and turns in cards with any inaccuracy, that group can be disqualified from that tournament.




Every participant in the BRAAS Golf League is expected to enter EVERY ROUND into a handicap service.  Each player is expected to enter gross scores regardless of tees, course, date, or who else played.  If it discovered a player is missing any scores for BRAAS tournament rounds from after January 1st 2020, a two point penalty per tournament missing will be applied.  If you need your scores from 2020 tournaments, contact the Commissioner.  Players are expected to use Equitable Stroke Control.  ESC determines what maximum score you can take on a given hole based on your current handicap. If anyone is interested to learn more about handicaps, feel free to review the following website:


The golf board will utilize that service to generate a BRAAS index that will be used for BRAAS golf events.  Indexes update daily for use in any golf events.  Handicaps will be pulled 1-2 days before tournaments.


Beginning in 2020-2021 season, BRAAS handicaps must be kept with the USGA.  Join via the LGA website or directly via No other services will be utilized.  The GHIN phone app is available on both Apple and Android phones for easy score input and player lookup.


All players with a verifiable source that contains 20+ scores will have that source handicap used as their BRAAS handicap.


Players that do not have a verifiable source of scores, or do not have 20 scores will be subject to the following terms:


  • Verifiable source with 11-19 scores entered
    • BRAAS league index will be 90% of handicap from source
  • Verifiable source with 1-10 scores entered.
    • BRAAS league index will be 80% of handicap from source.
  • No verifiable source.
    • BRAAS league index will be determined by league board.