BRAAS Health


Carotid/Vascular Screening


BRAAS Health in association with BRAASTRONG and CVT Surgical Center are excited to announce we are having a vascular screening that is available to all  BRAAS members and members’ families (or just loved ones or close friends). Please visit CVT’s website here:




September 25 (Sunday) starting at 8am at CVT Vascular Lab located at 7777 Hennessy Blvd suite 1008 (Our Lady of the Lake medical plaza 2, entrance 3)


Who can benefit from this type of screening?


The short answer to this is anyone, but if you have certain risk factors you should definitely take advantage of this service. If you are lucky enough to still have your parents/grandparents around, I urge you to please take advantage of this screening. A stroke is unfortunately a far too common event that affects most families in some way and with these types of screenings we can greatly reduce the risk.


Risk factors include:


  • Stress
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking or Former Smoker
  • Overweight or Poor Diet
  • Family History of Stroke, Heart Attack, Aortic Aneurysm, or Vascular Disease.



In addition to checking the Carotid Arteries if you have risk factors for other vascular issues such as AAA (Abdominal Aortic  Aneurysm) or peripheral arterial disease (PAD) we will be able to screen for these as well.


If you were to get this type of screening done on your own,  you could expect to pay over $100. With the support of BRAASTRONG and CVT surgical center we are able to offer this FREE OF CHARGE!!


Registration Form:


If you want to reserve a spot and space could possibly be limited based on the response send an email to me ( and I will pre register you or your family members.


Attached is a flyer from the screening service with more information on vascular screenings along with a link to CVT surgical centers website.


We call ourselves Brothers, and this is just one way the BRAAS family takes care of our own.


-Ryan Evans

BRAAS Health Commissioner (still a self appointed title)