Legends League – Week 1


Kelly(36) Vs Peytavin(29)


Team Kelly had five players who all played very well together, especially considering it was the first game of the season.  Team Petavin is VERY athletic and young- they will be a force.  Team Kelly got a small lead in the first quarter and basically held on to it (barely) the entire game.  Both teams played good defense, and points weren’t easy to come by.  Team Kelly got point contributions from everyone, in particular Graham and DePaul. Petavin lead his team with some inside and outside scoring.


All in all, a well-played tough game that Team Kelly was fortunate to win.


Missing: Plaisance, Phillips, Johnson.



Both teams came out playing man-to-man in what was a tough battle on both ends of the floor.  1st quarter scoring was paced by a pair of free throws from Lynn Johnson, a 3 pointer from Eddie Price, and short jumper and a pair of free throws from Lance.  Points were hard to come by for both teams and the quarter ended with Team Peytavin holding a 9-7 advantage.  Points were even harder to come by in the 2nd quarter when Team Peytavin lost a key starter in Steve Henry after Brent Graham finger banged Steve’s eye socket.  To everyone’s surprise there was a foul called on the play.  Lynn Johnson led team Peytavin in scoring in the 2nd quarter and we went into halftime trailing Team Kelly by a few baskets.  Scoring picked up in the 2nd half as we began pushing the ball up the floor more in transition.  Steve was able to return to the game and hit a big 3 pointer to start the scoring in the 3rd.  Baskets followed by Eddie, Lynn, and Lance in what turned out to be our highest scoring quarter.  We closed the gap to 2 in the 4th quarter after a 3 pointer by Lance, a layup, and a couple of free throws.  Tim Parrott chipped in a free throw to finish off the scoring for Team Peytavin. We were forced to foul down the stretch and most of Team Kelly’s 4th quarter points came from the free throw line.  Both teams played gritty defense the entire way, and the difference in the game came down to Team Kelly making more key shots when the opportunity presented itself.  Leading the way in scoring for Team Kelly was Kevin and Brent with 10 points a piece, and Mike DePaul with 8.  Final 36-29.


Suggestion:  I am not sure if I am the first person to ever propose this, but we would have better basketball games if we saved the money we spend on refs and called our own fouls.



Dartez(18) Vs LeDoux(42)


Team Dartez took an A$$ whopping to kickoff the season.  Team LeDoux came out of the gate strong hitting on their 1st four possessions and taking a 10 pt lead after the 1st period and never looked back.  Team LeDoux won on all phases of the game as they looked in mid-season form.  Hitting contested outside shots and running a fast breakathon.  In fact, the game was over by half as Team LeDoux took a 36 – 12 lead. Team Ledoux was led by their Captain Shane with 14 pts.

On the other hand, Team Dartez showed they have not touched a basketball since last year as they continued to miss good shots which led to Team Ledoux’s fast breaks. Team Dartez was led by Dartez with 7 pts in the 1st half.  This game was a wakeup call as we will regroup and be better prepared for week 2.

Out :

Eddie Carreras



Team Dartez was missing Eddie C. and it showed. Team LeDoux isn’t in basketball shape yet but did not lack any effort. Proud of how hard my guys fought and were rewarded for their efforts with the “W”. Good start to the season. To score 42 points on the 42nd year of BRAAS was special to us as well. 42-18. Maybe we can get a large ice chest and use the ice at the school and purchase a pack of water bottles from Costco $4 for the next game?


Goscha(39) Vs Mansur(38)


The 1st quarter was very impressive for both teams. Team Goscha scored 11 but Team Mansur was 1 point better riding the coattails of Clint Smith’s 10 points. The second quarter was just awful for Team Goscha only finding 1 point. Not a basket but just 1 point. Mansur added 5 points while his ringer Clint Smith added 3 more. At the half Smith had 13 to Team Goscha’s 12. Fortunately, the game has four quarters and if you’re real unlucky overtime. Chris Crick scored 4 of his 11 points in the third and Team Goscha clamped down on Defense. Shaheen and Tommy Lato led the Defense and Team Mansur was held to just 5 points. Ourso got into the scoring action in the Fourth adding 5 to a 16-point quarter for Team Goscha while holding Mansur to just 9 points! The OT was just awful. Not awful basketball but it caused the Legends to be 5 minutes late to Walk Ons. (FYI the count was 33 Legends to 3 open league players at Walk Ons. Rumor has it that the open league must give their wives a ring to see if they can meet up with their buddies for 15-20 minutes. Clearly, they have no control over their wives.) In OT Mansur hit a Three from 28’ out, or half court on our tiny court. Ourso finished off the misery of OT by hitting a free throw which got Team Goscha to 6 points. Final Score Team Goscha 40 Team Mansur 38.

Out: Grassman.


Good first game of the season. Jumped out to a 12-11 lead at the end of the 1st period with legends newby Clint Smith scoring 10 of the 12.  Kurt Bueche and Clint led the way in the second quarter scoring all 8 points and Dave Morel was rebounding like Charles Barkley. (3 rebounds on Cooter’s air balls) and Joe Pursiful slayed the giant (GOSCHA) helping hold team Goscha to 1 point.  20 -12 @ the half.  3rd qtr uneventful. They scored 6 and we scored 5.

4th qtr we were up 25-18 and got outscored 16-9 to send game into OT.  Missed free throws and an all out physical assault by team Goscha got them the win.  Thinking about filing multiple assault charges on Tom Lato. Anyone know if we have attorney’s in the club? Good game had a lot of fun and enjoyed Walk-ons with all the Legends League players.


Out- Ralph Stevens


Levesque(53) Vs Dukes(42)


Team Levesque drafted 5 guards for the sole purpose of having perimeter shooting. Well they couldn’t hit the broadside of a fucking barn all night. Thank frickin Jesus for Corey Eues who drained 5 three pointers and had another 10-14pts from inside. Corey was an animal all game and it was fun to watch. I can’t blame all of my guards, Scott Barnes was a no-show because he couldn’t climb out of the hole that is losing to TCU. Shane Martin hurt himself PLAYING GOLF which limited his time on the court. I mean honestly, who the fuck hurts himself on the golf course?


Team Dukes is a good team. Glad we caught them early in the season.



First, I’d like to apologize to Corey Eues for whatever we did or said to him to piss him off pre-game. When someone drops 33 on you, you know it’s personal. Who the hell scores 33 in a Legends game anyway, shouldn’t that be grounds for an automatic bump up to Open league???

It seemed in the first quarter this was going to be a good back and forth game. That was not the case by halftime. Corey was going off and they were taking whatever our defense gave them. We were down big in the second half but kept fighting, no one gave up. After some defensive adjustments and some shots started falling, we were able to make a run in the forth and got it down to single digits but it wasn’t meant to be. Only having 5 didn’t do us any favors tonight.

Out: Scott Reitzell, Kerry Bueche, Lee Veenendaal


Lambert(32) Vs Smith(43)


Team Lambert can out the gates shooting <10%, scoring 2 pts in Q1. The 3 headed monster of Smith, Guitreau and Warde  for Team Smith gave us trouble all night. They have a good team when you add in the good all around games of Valenti and Snowbarger.  The 3rd quarter was ours!  We came out strong and tied the game up from a 12 pt deficit with Mulkey leading us with 13 pts and Lambert getting to 12 (with some “volume shooting” to get there). In the end we only had 5 and ran out of gas. A good start to the season.


In the last game of the night – Team Smith got off to a hot start and their Zone had Team Lambert confused. In the first half Smith hit some big shots and Warde’s energy was too much for Team Lambert, Smith took an 11 point lead to the half.  Coach Lambert made some excellent half time adjustments that allowed Mulkey to get hot. Team Lambert dominated the 3rd quarter and got the lead down to 2 points. A couple Guitrau put backs kept Smith up 4 at the end of 3 quarters. In quarter 4 Smith quickly reminded everyone he was the best player on the floor and Team Smith cruised to an 11 point win.

Team Smith was lead in scoring by Smith -15, Guitrau -10, Warde -8. Lambert and Mulkey both scored 12 to lead Team Lambert in scoring.


Best part of the night – no one got hurt