Team Dartez 36  vs Team Lockwood 22


Team Dartez came out strong in the first quarter taking a 12-5 lead and setting the pace behind the scoring of St Cyr, Lowe and H Davis along with tenacious team defense. The lead was extended at the halftime break to 25-9 as Page went off and hit multiple contested 3s to extend the lead.  I can’t say enough of how proud I was of our defense as we clamped down on Lockwood’s scorers and limited their team to 1 shot per possession.  Lowe did a great job containing “The Beast” Gosche most of the game.  Damn, we hit the boards!

Team Lockwood tried to make a run in the 2nd half with Bueche hitting multiple 3s but, the lead was too surmountable and we seemed to respond with our own scoring.

The only negative came from the free throw line.  I believe we were 3 for 11 from the stripe.  We will definitely need to improve come playoff time.  No fret, the team will each commit to practice shooting 100 free throws per day through playoffs. Hopefully, we can improve to 75% (that’s a lot of hoping).

Out  – Eddie Carreras


Team Lockwood: Another rough start for the good guys.  We struggled getting shots to go in missing from everywhere (as usual).  We had a season low 9 points at the half, probably another Legends record to go with our 18-point comeback victory a few weeks ago.  At least it was until Lane decided to make us feel better and scored zero points in the first quarter of his game and only 7 at the half to break our record.


After trailing by as many as 20(I think), we made a mini-run but we just didn’t have the juice to come back.  Side note, we tried to switch to a zone and that was a big, huge sloppy mess, also we apparently suck at rebounding now.


Out: Jim Phillips


Fortenberry 39 vs Heroman 49


Fortenberry: Tough night against Team Heroman (shocker – their captain didn’t show up) losing 49-39.  Both sides only had 5 guys, just so happen their 5 shot lights out.   They made 10 three pointers, including Steve Davis going 7 for 9 behind the arc.  Roper and Trevor played well for us combining for 25, but anytime we gained a little momentum, Steve would knock down another 3.   We still have some guys banged up, so hoping we’ll be full strength in the next few weeks.







Heroman:  I showed last week and we lost, I didn’t show this week and we won……………….


Team Reitzell-43 vs Team Pitre-33

Team Reitzell:  After the late news of Cuendet being rear ended at a dead stop just down the road prior to the tip off (luckily he is okay for the most part) we were down to five.
This was a tale of two halves, that South rim sucks and after scientific research from both parties we can confirm. Team Reitzell got out to a huge lead, 14-0 after 1Q and 28-7 after 2Q led by Dukes sharp shooting, Johnson, Dom, and Dukes getting tough boards and Esposito pushing the pace and Team Reitzell playing great D on Pitre and Maddie. Levesque just couldn’t buy a bucket.
Second half we were tired and they sent in the goon squad of Parrott and Nixon to throw some elbows and crowd the lane down low allowing Maddie to work his jumper from the free throw line and Levesque found his rhythm down low. I think they cut it to six and Dukes hit a huge three and they were left having to foul. We hit some free throws and sealed it. Had some cold beers at Walk Ons and watched the Rams clinch their SB trip. Feel sorry for Joey B with that O line, he might end up with more soft tissue injuries than Cuendet.


Pitre:  They had five guys, we had a whole squad!!!!!!!


Team Smith 50 vs Team Lato 19


Team Smith had 7 of our 8 guys, including our first 5 for the first game ever! We played very well passing, shooting, and defending…By far our best all around game of the season, led by captain smith, Plaissance and Dornier in scoring, with Peltier, Macha and Callender adding multiple baskets…Defensively, everyone, Womack, Macha, Plaissance, Smith, Les and Peltier stepped up and did a great job. Team Lato, had an off night, but one bright spot was Eddie Price who made couple of quick moving lay ups…Naquin was hard to defend and still got his points, Burke, both Latos and Fruge were held in check and not given many opportunities to shoot open shots

Our team is starting to look like a decent contender…


Out: Savoie


Team Lato:  Square peg – round hole.  Scoring is still our biggest issue.  The final score reflects how we played.  Wait.  turnovers are our biggest issue…..we have issues especially when we had more turnovers than shots. When we did shoot,  we hit 5% +/- 2%.  Any way we look at it,  we have to put the ball in the hoop.  On a positive note George had a great game playing solid D, no turnovers, and great passes.  We all need to follow his lead.  We were led in scoring by Eddie with 6 points.


Team Smith played a great game and the three headed monster of Smith, Dornier, and Plaisanve came out hot and stayed hot.  They are a very unselfish team who takes good shots and moves the ball well. Add the strong game by Peltier and they will be hard to beat in the playoffs.


Up next, Team Pitre.

out: Wells, Yegge


Lambert 44 vs Miller 34


Team Miller struggled on both ends, again. Playing with only 5 we managed to stay close for about 2 1/2 quarters. Team Lambert pulled away in the 3rd and maintained the lead in the 4th. They continually found open shots, and most importantly made those shots. Lambert, Crick, and Eues killed us. Our defense was a tad bit porous throughout the evening, we certainly need to improve in that area. Offensively we had open shots -made them in the first half, missed them in the second half. Ledoux was our leading scorer, followed by Morel and Ourso. Hopefully we will get a full healthy squad by playoff time.


Lambert:  What can I say????? Nothing evidently.